The West Winds Gin story began back in 2009 when two mates (James Clarke and Paul 'The Doctor' White) hatched a plan to create unique styles of Australian gin using local and imported botanicals that would be cut with triple filtered Margaret River rain water. Within a month of launching The West Wnds had already made a strong impression on the gin world winning numerous accolades at the 2011 San Francisco International Spirit Awards. 'The Sabre' - a Gold medal winner from said awards - presents a traditional British style gin led by underlying citrus and a dominance of juniper followed by the classic coriander seed. The addition of wattle seed adds a depth to the mid palate and introduces a creamy texture without the need for artificial additions. Best served with lemon and tonic or fresh watermelon juice.
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The West Winds Gin story began back in 2009 when two mates (James Clarke and Paul 'The Doctor' White) hatched a plan to create unique styles of Australian gin using local and imported botanicals that would be cut with triple filtered Margaret River rain water. Within a month of launching The West Winds had already made a strong impression on the gin world winning numerous accolades at the 2011 San Francisco International Spirit Awards. 'The Sabre' - a Gold medal winner from said awards - presents a traditional British style gin led by underlying citrus and a dominance of juniper followed by the classic coriander seed. The addition of wattle seed adds a depth to the mid palate and introduces a creamy texture without the need for artificial additions. Best served with lemon and tonic or fresh watermelon juice.
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