Created by legendary Master Distillers Jimmy & Eddie Russell, Russell's Reserve sets a new standard in small batch Bourbon. The culmination of over 100 years of combined whiskey making experience, each hand-selected small batch (150-200 barrels per batch) represents the best that the Russell family as to offer. Distilled in Lawrenceburg, Kentucky, matured in the deepest 'Alligator' char barrels and aged (10 years) in centre-cut barrels of the rickhouse creates a rich flavour profile full of caramel and vanilla notes with a uniquely smooth finish.
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Created by legendary Master Distillers Jimmy & Eddie Russell, Russell's Reserve sets a new standard in small batch Bourbon. The culmination of over 100 years of combined whiskey making experience, each hand-selected small batch (150-200 barrels per batch) represents the best that the Russell family has to offer. Distilled in Lawrenceburg, Kentucky, matured in the deepest 'Alligator' char barrels and aged (10 years) in centre-cut barrels of the rickhouse creates a rich flavour profile full of caramel and vanilla notes with a uniquely smooth finish.
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