Royal Dragon Vodka is a unique concept with a different approach, combining the best ingredients from around the World - Superior Vodka, Swiss Gold, the Asian Dragon, Diamonds from Belgium, Italian packaging and Dutch Design. Royal Dragon is the ultimate expression of Superior Vodka. A small batch Vdka, exclusively distilled with a Russian formula from the finest winter harvest rye. To achieve elemental softness and purity, our Vodka is five times distilled, using a century old copper pot still
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Royal Dragon Vodka is a unique concept with a different approach, combining the best ingredients from around the World - Superior Vodka, Swiss Gold, the Asian Dragon, Diamonds from Belgium, Italian packaging and Dutch Design. Royal Dragon is the ultimate expression of Superior Vodka. A small batch Vodka, exclusively distilled with a Russian formula from the finest winter harvest rye. To achieve elemental softness and purity, our Vodka is five times distilled, using a century old copper pot still
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