Direct from the United Kingdom, a name synonymous with quality gin that is known the world over, Mayfair Gin is distilled by the Maxwell family in the heart of London. Small batch stills are used to ensure only the highest quality. Discover a classic dry style with clean crisp citrus notes and earth undertones with a smooth juniper led finish. Botanicals include Angelica, Almond, Coriander, Cassia, Juniper, Lemon & Orris that give the gin both complexity and balance. Bursting with flavour but also light and refreshing, it is an ideal accompaniment to any dish with smoked salmon.
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Direct from the United Kingdom, a name synonymous with quality gin that is known the world over, Mayfair Gin is distilled by the Maxwell family in the heart of London. Small batch stills are used to ensure only the highest quality. Discover a classic dry style with clean crisp citrus notes and earthy undertones with a smooth juniper led finish. Botanicals include Angelica, Almond, Coriander, Cassia, Juniper, Lemon & Orris that give the gin both complexity and balance. Bursting with flavour but also light and refreshing, it is an ideal accompaniment to any dish with smoked salmon.
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